


Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14

Our goal at Encounter Kids is to Love God, Love People, Serve Our World and HAVE FUN! Every Sunday at Encounter Kids, your child will encounter God in fun and exciting ways. Whether it is through praise and worship, a variety of fun activities, large group lessons or small groups, your child will encounter God. They will learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus and how to apply God's Word to their lives.

Daisy Ogle, Children's Pastor


Driven Youth

At Driven Youth, we are all about inspiring and empowering the next generation. Our vibrant community is dedicated to helping young people grow in their faith, build lasting friendships, and make a positive impact in the world.

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Encounter Worship

Worshipping together

Worship changes the worshipper into the image of the one worshipped!

Our worship team believes the music they play creates an atmosphere for God to move.  It also  allows  you to connect your heart to His and encounter Him in a more intimate way. 



For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45

We exist to bring glory to God in all areas and one of those is service. Our desire is to serve those in and outside the church in the way that Jesus served. He is our example and we strive to exemplify Him through our many volunteer opportunities.


Want to Get Involved?

If you would like to get involved or have questions about volunteering, we encourage you to fill out the form below and we will connect with you shortly.

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Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...
Matthew 28:19

We want to equip, empower and mobilize you to make a Kingdom impact outside the walls of Encounter Church. We want to build God's Kingdom through Christ-centered, church-led community transformation where we live, in our relationships and around the world.

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Church Plant

Helping to Further the Kingdom

The generosity of Encounter's members has allowed us to send funds and resource materials to locations in our nation to make a difference for the Kingdom. We have also been able to develop strategic partnerships with multiple churches to help in 20 church plants in our first 4 years of being a church.
If you would like more information regarding church plants or believe God is calling you to a church plant, please contact Encounter or ARC.
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